Joanne Fenech Portelli is a Maltese artist most known for her en plein air paintings, which she has been regularly exhibiting for the past years, both collectively and solo. Joanne also exhibits abroad when she takes part in international plein air festivals and competitions. During such festivals Joanne also takes part in Quick Draw events where she has also won various prizes. Her paintings can be found hanging in private collections in the US, Ireland, Holland, France, Germany, Australia, Kuwait, and Malta.
The artist’s favourite medium is oils, as she prefers the versatility and the possibility of creating textures, although she also uses other media such as watercolour, gouache, and pastels when she sketches outside. For Joanne, art is her passion and life journey, and painting outside surrounded by nature is her epitome of being able to make art and enjoy it at the same time, for ultimately what is painting without joy? It is this joy and beauty that Joanne wants to give back to who views her art.
- Studied under various artists locally and abroad, and at the Malta School of Art.
- Art in the Open 2017 Quick Draw
18, Aurora, Triq Santa Marija, Luqa
+356 7970 6743