The Malta Crafts Foundation is taking part in the “NEXT – Young NEETs shaping EXpectations for The future of Europe” project, which involves partners from eight EU countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, and Malta) and foresees nine transnational events combined with activities and workshops at a local level in each country.
With the direct participation of youths from across the partner countries and local authorities, the programme aims to understand which tools and opportunities at local and EU level can stimulate youths’ growth as humans, students, and employed people, taking into consideration important themes such as gender equality and equal opportunities from a youth perspective.
Co-funded by the EU through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Programme, the Malta Crafts Founation’s role in this project relates to the significance of culture and heritage as a possible employment option for today’s youths.
The first meeting for the initiative was held over two days in Faenza, Italy, and among others included a European Parliament simulation between participating youths, discussions about the current situation in each participating country, as well as planning of future activities.