Artisans taking part in this year’s edition of the Premju Ġieħ l-Artiġjanat Malti 2023 – People’s Choice Award are hereunder listed by Category.

Interested to learn more about what they have to offer? Click/press on their image to visit their respective social media platform or, when these are not available, get their contact details.

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Alda Bugeja

Angela Cremona, Kathleen Custo, Theresa Brincat, Isabelle Dalli, and Magdalene Abela

Helen Anderson
Three Buildings

Janine Cardona
Ganutell – ‘A Twist to Tradition’

Joanne Bugeja

Keith J. Caruana
EuroPride Stage Look – Ira Losco

Liudmyla Dimech
Mobile Bags

Maria Comerford

Natalia Vassallo
Wool Felted set of Handbag and Necklace

Gabrijel Spagnol
Edible masterpieces bursting with flavour!

Mark Vassallo
San Blas Groves Liqueurs

Mark Xerri and David Mifsud

Christine Zammit

Dorothy Cordina and Charlie Cordina

Katrin Formosa
Koppli Għawdxin

Lina Mifsud, Vivian Cutajar, Valentina Mifsud, and Mary Vella
Fis-Seba’ Sema

Nico Conti
Threads of Porcelain

Alan Desira
Salib tal-Fidda

George Farrugia
Kuruna tar-Rużarju tal-Filigranu

Kevin Attard
Filigree Skull 3

Matthew Borg
It-Torri Eiffel

Maurice Borg
Il-Brazzuletta tas-Serp

Tara Lois Mansell
Sustainable Gold & Gemstone Wildflower Jewellery Collection

Alfie Gatt
Wara nofsinhar (Afternoon)

Charles Zammit

Emmanuel Previ
La Grande Valletta

Francis Vella
Fretwork Clock

Jeremy Mercieca o.b.o. DreamTeam Carnival Company
Immudellar fit-Tafal ta’ Uċuħ Identitiċi għal dawk Reali

Louis Camilleri
Model of Antique Maltese Kerosine Truck

Michelle Gialanze
Floral Landscapes

Adrienn Bartolich
‘Connections’ cactus fibre collar necklace

Christian Bezzina

Daniel Grech
Bamboo Twigs Corner Lamp

Edward Azzopardi
Minjatura tal-Faċċata tal-Każin Peace Armata għall-Festa

John Grech
Elephant’s Head Handcrafted in Sheet Steel

Jurgen Scicluna and Jana Scicluna
Arloġġ tal-Lira b’differenza

Monica Mula
Mother of God

Robert Lia
Cement Carpet Revival

Sonia Farrugia, Lilian Stivala, Maria Gatt, Marthese Cossai, Janet Clews, and Jacqueline Fava
Bee Happy

Għaqda Armar Triq il-Kappillan, Nadur
Festa Bandalora – Nippriservaw Ġrajjet Raħalna

Għaqda Karmelitana Banda Queen Victoria, Żurrieq
Pavaljun tad-Dawl Artistiku

Kumitat Żgħażagħ Brijużi Xewkin, Xewkija
Magħmudija ta’ Kristu minn San Ġwann Battista

Soċjetà Mużikali Santa Katarina V.M., Żurrieq
Sett Linef Artistiċi

Soċjetà Santa Marija, Mqabba
Il-Pedestall tal-Inkurunazzjoni