Conscious that finding funding is often a challenge for any business and even more so for artisanal enterprises, this year’s MCF Learns – The Masterclasses, organised within the context of SME Week, are aimed at highlighting support measures that local artisans could avail themselves of.
The first session saw representatives from Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM) introduce the various Business Enhance ERDF Grant Schemes and outline how these could be beneficial to artisans, while the Malta Crafts Foundation gave details of its own support and initiatives, amongst which the participation in the ‘NEXT – Young NEETs shaping EXpectations for The future of Europe’ project.
An overview of the key funding mechanisms offered by Business First and Arts Council Malta was also provided in preparation for the upcoming sessions respectively on November 7th and November 11th – Register now for these sessions through this link: